The state of Connecticut recognizes two types of damages in motor vehicle accidents. The loss or harm caused by the at fault driver is considered economic or noneconomic. The compensation for both of these types of damage is the same. But, it is important to understand the types of damages in a Connecticut car accident.
Noneconomic Damages
One type of damage is noneconomic damages. This form of damage can be more difficult to prove in court than economic damages. But, it is not impossible to prove. You can get compensation in the form of money for noneconomic damages. Noneconomic damages do not deal with physical injury right when it happens. Instead, it deals with injury or loss in the future. So, if you experience pain or suffering due to the car accident, the person responsible must pay future medical expenses. Other types of noneconomic damage include:
- Emotional harm or suffering.
- The increased risk of a future disability or injury.
- Aggravation of the injury.
- Fear from the injury.
- Loss of enjoyment.
Noneconomic damages are less concrete than economic damages. Because of this, it is not always easy to prove them. If you think that you are a victim of noneconomic damages from your car accident, consult a Connecticut lawyer. These lawyers will have experience with cases similar to yours. This means they can help you get financial compensation for your suffering.
Economic Damages
The other type of damage is called economic damages. Motor vehicle accidents can oftentimes result in economic damages. Economic damage deals with specific costs that result from the negligence of other drivers. This includes costs for:
- Medical bills.
- Physical therapy.
- Rehabilitative care.
- Loss of earnings as a result of an injury.
- Medication.
- Surgery.
- A costly ambulance ride.
- X-rays.
- Medical equipment.
Economic damage gets compensated through money paid by the defendant to the victim(s). This type of compensation can be easier to get than noneconomic compensation. This is because economic damages are easily quantifiable. You can prove in court that an injury resulted in medical bills, surgery, or time off from work. You can use concrete examples and evidence such as bills to prove this. A car crash damages lawyer can strengthen your case and help you get the money that you deserve.
Loss of Income Claims
If you got injured in an accident that was someone else’s fault, you might get compensation. This money covers the cost of medical care and related expenses for your injury. It also compensates for any pain or suffering that you experienced as a result of your injury. Also, you are entitled to compensation for any time that you had to take off of work as a result of your injury.
Missing Work
If you faced serious injury in some type of accident, you might have to miss work. You might miss work for doctor appointments, surgery, physical therapy, or just due to general pain. If this is the case, the days off can add up. And, if you do not receive payment for a medical leave, you could lose a lot of money.
If you lose your source of income, it can be difficult to maintain your average standard of living. Bills might be difficult to pay and your routine can be severely interrupted. In the case of long-term absences from work, you could have no income for several months. These losses relate to your injury, so you should receive compensation for them. So, you can get compensated for the loss of past earnings, as well as the loss of your future earning. For example, if you work as a professional athlete and you suffered a severe injury, you might not have the option of continuing to work in that profession. You will feel the effects of your injury for years to come. If someone else is responsible, he or she will have to pay for this loss.
Determining Loss of Income
Loss of income or loss of earning capacity can be difficult to determine. This is because future losses are hypothetical. If you can prove that your injury has caused a loss of earning capacity, you will receive compensation. Some examples of compensation are for things like:
- If your injury causes you to lose the possibility of a promotion.
- You aren’t able to pursue future employment.
- You lose the possibility of getting hired at a different job.
- If you experience one of these issues, you can be compensated for by the person who caused your injury.
Determining Loss of Earning Capacity
While loss of income is fairly concrete, loss of earning capacity is more difficult to determine. You will have to prove that you lose future earning capacity. Experts will determine how much money you will be awarded to compensate for this. If you need help proving loss of earning capacity, you can turn to a nearby car crash lawyer. This type of lawyer is skilled and experienced in cases such as your own. They will fight to get you the compensation that you deserve. Having a lawyer working on your case will help the process to go smoothly.
Consortium Damage Claim
If your spouse was seriously injured or killed because of medical malpractice, you should take action. You can make a consortium damage claim and receive compensation. Both Connecticut legislation and the Connecticut Supreme Court recognize the consortium damage claim. So if you are a resident of the state of Connecticut and wish to make this claim, you can do so. Understanding the consortium damage claim can help you get the compensation that you deserve.
Filing a Claim
You can file for a consortium damage claim in some cases. You can claim that if your spouse is killed or seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, it will affect your marriage. The carelessness or negligence of the driver can alter or even destroy a marriage. This makes the spouse of the victim a victim as well. You can file for both economic and noneconomic damage compensation in this situation.
If you decide to file a consortium damage claim, it will be considered separately from any claims that your spouse makes. Once you decide that you want to make a consortium damage claim, you should act quickly.
Call a Connecticut Lawyer to Discuss Car Accident Damages
Hiring an attorney can help your to build a strong case. This can also take some of the stress of the case off of you and help you better understand damages in a Connecticut car accident. It will reassure you that you will receive the compensation that you deserve. During this difficult time, hiring a lawyer can make the process much easier. It is important to keep in mind that you are entitled to compensation for the loss of a spouse or serious injury to a spouse. Call today.