The Final Evaluation
If you’ve been approached about a settlement for your personal injury case, you might think about taking it. The money might seem like a lot, and you might not want to risk taking the case to trial. In some cases, it is a good idea to take the settlement offered to you. But, in other situations, the settlement offer might not be good enough. Before you decide to accept the settlement, you should do a final evaluation. When making a final evaluation, consider some of these factors. This can help you make the right decision.
Are You Taking The First Settlement Offer?
Many times an insurance adjuster or an insurance company will offer you a settlement. But, the first settlement offer is usually pretty low. Sometimes, the insurance company will throw out a low number in the hopes that you will just take it. But, this is not always the right amount of compensation for you. Think about the offer and consider countering it. If the insurance company won’t budge, it might really be all that they are willing to offer. But, in some cases, the insurance company will work with you towards a compromise.
Did The Insurance Company Find You At Fault?
If you were partially responsible for the accident, this could affect your settlement offer. The at-fault driver will still be responsible for giving you compensation. But, if you were partially at-fault for your injuries, the settlement offer will likely be low. If you were partially at fault for the accident, you should talk to a personal injury attorney about what a fair settlement option would be.
Do You Want To Go To Trial?
Some people feel strongly about going to trial. Some people want to avoid it at all costs. Others are prepared to go to trial if it means possibly getting more compensation. Consider your feelings about going to trial. Are you interested in taking any settlement to avoid it? Or are you confident in your case and prepared to go to trial if you are unhappy with the settlement offer? You should talk this over with your lawyer to figure out what is best for you.
Talk To Your Lawyer
Personal injury lawyers have worked with cases similar to yours. They will be able to tell you if you are getting a fair settlement offer. If the settlement is not fair, they can argue on your behalf. If it is fair, they can help you through the process of accepting it.
If you would like more information on settlements, check out the rest of this section. We have plenty of information on accepting a settlement that is offered to you. If you would like to discuss your situation with one of our lawyers, contact our office to set up a free consultation.