Glaucoma Surgery
Glaucoma refers to a group of eye issues that could lead to blindness. When a person suffers from glaucoma, there is damage in the nerve that connects the person’s eye to their brain. This is generally the case because of high eye pressure. If you are experiencing slow vision loss, you could be suffering from glaucoma. One way to treat the issue is through surgery. If you are interested in glaucoma surgery, or if you have already had it, keep in mind that complications can occur. On this page, I will discuss more about Connecticut glaucoma surgery malpractice issues and what to do if you experience a complication.
Common Glaucoma Surgery Complications
A few common types of glaucoma surgery are:
- Tube shunt implementation.
- Trabeculectomy.
- Cyclophotocoagulation.
- Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS).
You should consider all of your surgical options as well as other treatment options before making a decision about how to proceed with glaucoma. If you do decide to get surgery, here are a few common issues that you should be aware of:
- Eye infection or redness in the eyes.
- Bleeding in the eyes.
- Hypotony, or low eye pressure.
- Loss of vision or other vision issues like seeing halos, blurred vision, etc.
- Formation of cataract.
- Eye scarring.
Some of these issues may be short term, while others may be long term and plague a patient for a long time.
Who is At Fault?
If you face an issue after glaucoma surgery, can you sue your ophthalmologist? Well, it depends. In some cases, you may be able to sue, while in others you might not. If the surgeon makes a mistake during the surgery, or provides a standard of care that is not appropriate given the situation, they might legally be held responsible for any negative effects that you experience after your surgery. You will have to prove that the surgeon acted in a negligent manner, or did something that the average ophthalmologist would not do.
However, it is important to keep in mind that sometimes the surgeon is not at fault. Even if surgery goes as planned, this does not mean that there are not risks involved in a glaucoma surgery. You should be informed of these risks and potential side effects before you agree to the surgical treatment. If you were not, the doctor may be responsible for lack of informed consent.
Also consider that a manufacturer of surgical equipment may be responsible for an issue that occurred during surgery if the equipment is faulty. In this case, it might be possible for you to sue the manufacturer and get compensation for your injuries.
Get Help from a Connecticut Glaucoma Surgery Malpractice Lawyer
If you are still unsure if you have a Connecticut glaucoma surgery malpractice case, contact my office. I can discuss your situation with you during a free consultation. We can determine if you have a case and the best way to proceed with it. For more information, contact my office. I am happy to provide more resources, answer your questions, and support you through a lawsuit.