Reporting Abuse
Reporting abuse as soon as you learn of it is imperative in getting the victim help. In addition, reporting abuse can prevent the perpetrator from harming anyone else. While learning of abuse can be overwhelming for your family, it is best to take action as soon as possible. This section of our website outlines who you should report abuse to, and how to do it.
Failure to Report Abuse
Did you know that failure to report abuse in Connecticut is a crime? Once you learn of abuse, it is important to report it to the authorities. Remember to determine what constitutes neglect and abuse before reporting it. Sometimes accidents happen in nursing homes that are not intentional. These situations might result in a personal injury lawsuit, but they aren’t necessarily crimes. Check out this page which explains some common nursing home injuries and how they might occur.
Reporting Abuse
If you have identified that your loved one is the victim of abuse, consider who you can or should report abuse to. A few options include the police, a lawyer, and an ombudsman. Learn more about entities that you can report abuse to. Not sure what an ombudsman is? An ombudsman is an appointed official who represents the interests of the public. Learn more about the ombudsman’s duties here.
It is also a good idea to consult with the police if neglect or abuse has occurred in a nursing home or by another type of care professional. Many forms of neglect and abuse, such as physical abuse and sexual abuse, are crimes. They can be prosecuted by the police during a criminal case. In addition, your family may choose to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. This will help your family get compensation and seek justice for this horrible situation.
If you are interested in filing a personal injury case against the at-fault party, there are certain types of evidence to gather. This could include evidence such as victim testimony, eyewitness accounts, photos of injuries, and more. This can start you on the process of establishing a case for your personal injury claim.
Sometimes, a mandated reporter will report abuse on your loved one’s behalf. If there is a mandated reporter in their life, they are obligated to report neglect or abuse and get your loved one help. Learn more about mandated reporters here.
Reporting abuse is one of the first steps that your family can take to get an elderly loved one help. From there, you and your family might decide to pursue a lawsuit and get compensation from the at-fault party. If this is something that your family is interested in, check out the personal injury sections of our nursing home neglect and abuse content. For more information, feel free to contact our office.