Mandated Reporter
You might know about the term mandated reporters in relation to young children. But, did you know that mandated reporters can protect the rights of any vulnerable group of people? This means that mandated reports can protect the elderly. You can learn more about mandated reporters for the elderly here. Also, if a mandated reporter knew that your elderly loved one experienced neglect or abuse and did not report it, you need to know what to do. You can learn more here.
Who are Mandated Reporters?
Mandated reporters for the elderly are those who have accepted the responsibility of caring for a dependent person or someone who is elderly. Also, mandated reporters are those who have custody of or care for the elderly, whether or not they get compensation for this act. This includes the staff members at any elderly care facility. This includes:
- Administrators.
- Advocacy agency employees.
- Care custodians.
- Clergy members.
- County welfare departments.
- Dependent adult care custodians.
- Employee of animal control agency.
- Employee of county adult protective services agency.
- Someone working at the environmental health and building code enforcement.
- Employee of fire department.
- Employee of human societies.
- A law enforcement agent and employees of the agency.
- Health practitioners.
- Licensed staff members of elderly care facilities.
- Those providing mental health services.
- People providing protective services.
- Those providing social services.
Mandatory Reporting Law
The mandatory reporting law exists in the United States to ensure that victims of abuse receive the help that they need. When a mandated report reports abuse, a case opens. Then, the first step is having a mandated reporter give a verbal report of the abuse. This should happen as soon as possible after they suspect or see abuse. It has to happen within two days of witnessing or suspecting abuse. Then, the mandated reporter has to give a written report with the intake unit. If a mandated reporter doesn’t report suspected neglect or abuse, it is considered a misdemeanor crime. Penalties for unreported abuse are greater if the victim suffers severe bodily harm or death.
Mandatory reporters’ identities remain confidential. Violating this confidentiality is also a misdemeanor crime. The victim of abuse has the right to refuse consent to an investigation. But, this does not excuse mandated reporters from making a report.
If you learn that your loved one has been abused and a mandated reporter knew about it, they should have reported it. If they did not report it, they could be in trouble with the law. To learn more about the next steps to take, you should contact a neglect and abuse attorney.