A car accident can result in many different issues. One such issue is damage to your property. If your property is damaged in an accident, you need to figure out who caused the accident. If you did not cause the accident, you should not pay for repairs. Instead, it’s the responsibility of the at-fault party to repair all damages. Given your situation, you might have to fight to make sure that this happens. If this is the case, you should hire a personal injury lawyer. A personal injury lawyer knows how to file claims for you. They can also answer your questions. Your lawyer will get in touch with the defendant and their insurance company on your behalf.
Damage To Automobiles
In most cases, if your property gets damaged in an accident, it is your automobile. You need to know what to do in a few specific situations. That is what this section is for. In this section, I discuss:
- What to do when your car is a total loss. If your car gets totaled, how should you proceed? You can find out here.
- What to do when there is damage to the car. If your car got damaged in the accident, what should you do? Where should you bring the car? Who pays for the damages. I answer these questions in this section.
- Who pays for the rental car. When your car is in the shop, someone has to pay for you to get around. Who will do this? Find out your options here.
Damage To Other Property
Your motor vehicle might not be the only damaged property in an accident. Your home or other possessions can be damaged if a car crashes into them. You need to know what to do if this happens. Learn more about how to proceed if there is damage to your other property.
Damage To Your Property
Damage to your property can come in many unexpected ways. If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, you might expect there to be damage to your car. While this might be the case, there can also be damage to your other property. A few common examples of situations where other property can get damaged are:
- If a car drives through a fence on your property.
- If a car drives into a structure on your property, such as your home, shed, or garage.
- If someone trying to enter or leave your driveway hits your garage door.
- If a driver hits your mailbox that is at the edge of your property and on the street.
What To Do
In these situations, you should file a property damage claim. This is the same thing you would do if you were in a regular car accident. The cost of damage to your property can vary. Obviously if something small was damaged, such as a mailbox, there won’t be much compensation to pursue. But, if your house or another big piece of property got damaged, the damage could be expensive. It could cost thousands of dollars to fix. In this situation, the at-fault party should be responsible for paying for the damages.
As soon as there is damage to your property, you should get the information of the driver who caused the accident. If you realize that there is damage to your property but you did not see it happen, this can make the situation more difficult. Whether you know who the at-fault party is or not, contacting the police is in your best interest. Talking to the police can make sure that an incident report is filed. This can be helpful for the records of the case.
If you know who the at-fault party is, and they accept liability, their insurance policy should pay for the damages. If you don’t know who the at-fault party is, you should try to review your own insurance policy. In some cases, the damages will be covered by your insurance policy. If this happens, your insurance company can contact the driver’s insurance company later on to try to get compensation. If the other party is not accepting or denying liability yet, you might have to pay the costs of repair upfront. But, if the driver is found to be liable down the line, they will be responsible for providing compensation.
Damage to your house or your property can be very expensive. To make sure that you don’t have to pay the costs out-of-pocket, you should contact a lawyer. They can help you review your insurance policy and protect your rights. For more information, please contact our office.