Common Comfort Measures
No matter where your loved one is, you want to make sure that they are as comfortable as possible. When your loved one lives in a nursing home, you want to make sure that they are safe and comfortable. Some nursing home residents need more help because they have an illness that needs treatment. Still, all residents deserve comfort in their new home. Here you can find some common comfort measures generally taken in nursing homes. If your loved one’s nursing home does not offer these measures, you might want to reconsider their living arrangement.
The elderly generally become more sensitive to pain than other people are. They might experience issues such as:
- Skin irritation.
- Issues breathing.
- Heightened sensitivity to temperature.
- Increased fatigue.
A nursing home should treat all of these issues.
Skin Irritation
As a person ages, their skin can become dry and brittle. Nursing home staff members should take the time to apply lotion to an elderly person’s skin. This will relieve feelings of pain, discomfort, and itching. Dry or cracked lips should particularly be addressed, as these can be painful. Proper hydration can also help keep skin healthy, so an emphasis should go to this.
Issues Breathing
It is common for elderly people to experience shortness of breath. Common measures taken to reduce this problem include proper ventilation in rooms, the use of a fan, a vaporizer, or open windows. In more extreme cases, extra oxygen can go to nursing home residents through the nose.
Temperature Insensitivity
The elderly oftentimes have circulation issues, which could cause them to feel cold. Other elderly people might have heat flashes which make them feel extremely hot. Nursing home staff should understand how their residents are feeling. Layers of blankets and clothing should be available. This way, each resident can regulate their own temperature. Avoiding drafts and extreme temperatures in the nursing home will also be helpful.
As people get older, they do not have as much stamina or endurance as they did when they were young. If a nursing home resident has limited energy, a nursing home should try to make everyday tasks as simple as possible. Residents should get help with everyday tasks.
Helping a nursing home resident feel comfortable as they deal with the process of aging is a necessity for every good nursing home. Your loved one should be treated with respect and measures should be taken to make sure that they are comfortable in the home. If you suspect that actions are not being taken to keep your loved one safe and comfortable, you should consider discussing this situation with your loved one. Action can be taken to make sure that they are not being neglected in the home.