Urinary Incontinence – Connecticut Injury Lawyers
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Urinary Incontinence

Incontinence is an issue that can affect anyone at any age. But, as people age, issues such as incontinence increase. If your loved one has incontinence, make sure that their nursing home is treating the issue. For more information about incontinence, continue reading.

Incontinence, also known as urinary incontinence, is a loss of bladder control. This issue can range in severity. It can be a mild and occasional leaking when strain is put on the bladder. For example when a person is laughing or coughing. Or, it can be strong and sudden urges to use the toilet with no time to make it to the bathroom.

Types of Urinary Incontinence

There are many different types of urinary incontinence. A few common ones include:

  • Function Incontinence. Something impairs a person from getting to the bathroom in time to use it. For example, if a person has arthritis, they might not be able to unbutton their pants in time to use the bathroom.
  • Overflow incontinence. If your loved one’s bladder doesn’t completely empty after using the bathroom, dribbling may occur.
  • Stress incontinence. As mentioned earlier, stress incontinence occurs when stress is put on the bladder. This might be caused by laughing, coughing, sneezing, etc.
  • Urge incontinence. This is generally caused by some type of condition. It can be mild (such as an infection) or more serious (such as diabetes). Urge incontinence occurs when a person frequently needs to use the restroom and is not able to make it in time.
  • Mixed incontinence: A combination of these issues might result in mixed incontinence.

Often, incontinence can be treated and managed by medication. But, it is important to catch incontinence as early as possible. This is because incontinence might be a sign of a more serious condition. It could be a sign of prostate cancer, an obstruction, or a neurological disorder. Also, incontinence could restrict or embarrass your loved one.

Getting Help

Call us today to schedule a free consultation with our team. We fight for our clients throughout the Greater Bridgeport Area.

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Nursing home staff members receive training to recognize the symptoms of incontinence. If staff members think that your loved one suffers from this issue, they must diagnose your loved one. They have to treat them for this issue. Failure to do so could result in the worsening of your loved one’s condition and reduced quality of life.

If your loved one is the victim of this type of neglect, they might have a neglect and abuse case against the home. Or, if your loved one was diagnosed with incontinence but the staff neglect to treat this condition, your loved one might have a case. Failing to provide medication, making fun of your loved one for their condition, or neglecting to clean up messes that your loved one makes could be considered neglect and abuse. If you suspect that your loved one is the victim of neglect or abuse, you should contact a nursing home neglect and abuse attorney as soon as possible.


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