Medical Providers – Connecticut Injury Lawyers
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Medical Providers

After a car accident, you may have sustained some physical injuries. If this is the case, you will have some contact with medical providers. You should go to see a medical provider after the accident. This can document your injuries. In addition, you will likely have an appointment with a doctor to determine your maximum medical improvement (MMI). To help you navigate your interactions with doctors and other medical providers, we’ve provided this information. Learn the role of medical providers in Connecticut car crash cases by speaking with an attorney.

Going to a Medical Provider

It is important that you have any potential injuries looked at by a medical provider. This should be done as soon as possible after your accident. No matter the severity of your injuries, it is a good idea to go to a hospital, or you should visit a doctor. Sometimes, it takes a few hours or days for you to feel the effects of the accident. You might initially tell a police officer at the scene of the accident that you are not injured. But, you really might be injured. If this is the case, it is important for a doctor to validate your injuries.

An exam by a physician can give you a record of your injuries. If you want to argue that you were injured in the accident, the following pieces of information can be used as evidence:

  • A doctor’s diagnosis.
  • X-ray results or other test results.
  • A treatment plan prescribed by your doctor.
  • Surgery.
  • Physical therapy.

Expert Witness

A doctor can also act as an expert witness in court. They can explain your injuries in court as evidence of them. They can also help a judge or a jury understand your injuries. This is especially helpful if you have complex injuries that a judge or jury will have a difficult time understanding.

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Maximum Medical Improvement

Another situation in which you will deal with a medical provider is when determining your MMI. The MMI is the point when an injured person’s treatment has plateaued. They will not get any better after the MMI is determined. A medical provider will work with you to determine your MMI. You should wait until you reach your MMI to determine the compensation in your personal injury case. This will make sure that you are compensated for everything related to your injury.

You also might have to deal with a medical exam by a doctor appointed by the at-fault party’s insurance company. They might want to have your injuries looked at by one of their own doctors. If this is the case, don’t panic. Your injuries will speak for themselves. Just be honest about what happened, your injuries, and your pain level. The doctor should clearly be able to see that you were injured in the accident.

Learn the Role of Medical Providers from a Connecticut Car Accident Lawyer

The role of medical providers in Connecticut car crash cases is to help you during this experience. Be sure to stay in touch with a doctor throughout this process. This will help you to heal properly from your injuries. It will also help to validate your injury claims. This can be useful during a settlement or if your case goes to trial. To further discuss your case, call our office today.


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